TrackOne Mobile Application

Ahlam Fallatah
6 min readJan 2, 2021


Project Overview

The first project in UX | UI Immersive program with Misk Academy: we will interview our classmates and identify an everyday problem that they have then will come up with a digital product that address and solve the problem we identified.

Project duration is 4 days and it will be conduct by our team: Ahlam Fallatah & Worood Aldmaeen.

Methods and Tools Used

Interviews ( Zoom, Face to face)

Card Sorting (Miro)

Affinity Mapping(Miro)

User Flow Diagram(Miro)

Sketching (iPad, Paper)

Wireframe (Miro)

Paper Prototyping (Paper, Face to Face)

Step 1: Discover / Research

Finding the Problem

We interview our classmates through Zoom to find out the problem they face and observe their habits and/or attitude relating to this problem.

What is the problem?

  • They’re facing problem with tracking many shipping when they order from different website. They have to check each websites or shipping companies separetly
  • There is no application provide them with all information in one place

Online Research about the problem

According to research study release by Netcomm Suisse eCommerce Association in October 2020 about online shopping during COVID-19 shows that online purchases have increased by 6 to 10 percentage points across most product categories. The biggest gainers are ICT/electronics, gardening/do-it-yourself, pharmaceuticals, education, furniture/household products and cosmetics/personal care categories.

Our Finding:

As result of Classmates’ interview and online research we found that The more people will use online shopping the more they need to make their online experience simple, smooth and easy, so having an application to track their order will give them a good experience and save their time.

Design Questions and interviews

We start to put our questions for interviewing our possible user and our target was the users who purchase more than one per month

Interview questions:

  • Can you tell me through the last time you purchased something online ?
  • how many time do you shopping online per months?
  • Can you describe how do you track your online orders?
  • What are all the things you need to do in order to track your order?
  • What kind of things you buy often and from where ?
  • What is the most application you used or company the like?
  • How do you think tracking all your orders in one app is going to help you?
  • what kind of notification you like: sms, email, calls?
  • Do you prefer that all orders be in one shipment or each shipment separately?
  • How would you solve that issue?


The Interview was conducted with the users through Zoom and face to face and we made the card sorting of the answers in Miro then we categorised them

We analysis the users interview’ answers by Affinitty mapping and categorize them according to users’ problems

Our Finding:

The users’ interview, Card sorting and Affinity mapping helped us to notice the most important things about the users problem that they are facing after online purchases and tracking their orders.

We found that the most users complain about communication through the process of delivery: Dont know the time and date of delivery and don’t receive notification through the process to update them about their shipping situation.

User prefer SMS notification.

After analysis our data we came up with clear problem statment

Problem Statment

Some online shoppers face a problem of tracking shipments after they order from multiple sources, so this consume their time and effort . This issue need to be resolved ,so our aim is to give online shoppers a solution for collecting their shipping information and easly track them in one place.

Step 2:Design and Test

After analysis the data we had from Interviews and Affinity Mapping we discuss many solutions and came up with the most appropriate one.

Tracking mobile application that provide the user with all his shipping details and allow him to track them.

we believe that the application will help users to get information about their purchases, shipping details and tracking their shipping in one application so this will save their time and make their tracking shipping experience smooth

Design Sketching

User Flow Diagram

Wirframe low-fidelity

TrackOne application’s features would address:

  • Sign-up with Mobile phone number and the application will trigger all shipments details from shipping companies that connect with same number
  • Check all shipments’ user through list of shipping companies or all shipments details
  • Add Shipping details through shipping number or tracking number if not available
  • Active and Delivered shipping details
  • Track active shipping

Usability Testing

After we finished the low-fidilety prototype we start the Paper-prototyping testing face to face and we create a scenario that the user have been made three order and they wanna track their shipping through our application to see how will user able to navigate in the app.

We recorded this video during one user testing

Our Finding:

The users found the design helpful and easy to navigate.

During interview users were excited about the application and they ask when we release it

The user suggestion if we can add an option of contacting the shipping companies through our application.


My Project’s Experience

  • It was an enjoyable experience and it help me to understand more about the UX theories and implemented them in the project
  • Being in team was really helping as two mind share thinking better than one person
  • I enjoyed interaction with people during interview and I cant wait for more 2interviews
  • We were able to interview 6 users and I believe that if we have more time for interview, we will come up with many problems and solution which may lead with more options in application



Ahlam Fallatah
Ahlam Fallatah

Written by Ahlam Fallatah

Product Designer that targeting UX|UI Design. A highly motivated person with an eagerness to learn, develop skills and committed to the best outcome achievement

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